In a major crackdown on rising cyber fraud cases, the Bhopal Police, under the directives of Police Commissioner Hari Narayanachari Mishra and Additional Police Commissioner Awadhesh Goswami, has successfully dismantled an organized cybercrime syndicate. The operation, led by Deputy Police Commissioner (Zone-2) Sanjay Kumar Agrawal, resulted in the arrest of five fraudsters who were exploiting the Zoomcar application to dupe unsuspecting victims.
How the Gang Was Caught
Acting on a tip-off, the Awadhpuri Police received intelligence about a suspicious group of young men residing in Flat No. 301 at Regal Town, Awadhpuri. Reports suggested that these individuals were involved in dubious activities and frequently traveled in luxury cars. Following this lead, Additional Police Deputy Commissioner Mahavir Singh Muzalde and Assistant Police Commissioner Deepak Nayak instructed Station House Officer Ratan Singh Parihar to form a special team for investigation.
Upon reaching the identified location, the police team knocked on the door, only to be greeted by five men inside. When questioned, they identified themselves as Yash Saluja, Anshul Priyanshu, Mayank Thakur, Akhilesh Pandey, and Sahajpreet Singh. Upon further interrogation, the accused confessed that they had been residing in the apartment since July 2024 and were engaged in large-scale cyber fraud using the Zoomcar platform.
The Modus Operandi: How the Scam Worked
The gang had devised a cunning strategy to exploit the Zoomcar platform, a Bengaluru-based car rental service. Their scam involved listing fake rental cars on the company’s website by uploading six random car images sourced from Google. Using fraudulent names, contact details, and bank accounts, they registered these fake listings on the platform.
When a customer booked a car, the platform required an advance payment. Zoomcar retained 40% of the transaction amount, while the remaining 60% was transferred to the fraudsters’ fake bank accounts.
The real deception unfolded when customers arrived at the designated pickup locations—often in cities like Mumbai or Delhi—only to find no vehicle waiting for them. Initially, the scammers reassured the customers that their car was on the way, but when repeated calls ensued, they blocked the customer’s number and turned off their phones. After successfully executing a scam, they would create new fake identities, obtain fresh SIM cards, and open new bank accounts to continue their fraudulent activities undetected.
Massive Seizure: Electronics Worth ₹2.5 Crore Recovered
During the raid, the police seized electronic equipment and other incriminating materials worth approximately ₹2.5 crore. This included mobile phones, SIM cards, and various gadgets used to execute the cyber frauds. Authorities are now interrogating the accused to determine the full extent of their criminal activities and identify additional victims.
Bhopal Police’s Appeal: Stay Alert Against Cyber Fraud
With the surge in cybercrime cases, the Bhopal Police has urged citizens to remain vigilant against online scams. Authorities have emphasized the importance of verifying the legitimacy of rental services, online transactions, and business deals before making any payments. The police have also encouraged the public to promptly report any suspicious online activities to help curb digital fraud.
This latest bust is a testament to the growing threat of cybercrime and the need for both law enforcement and citizens to remain proactive in combating these evolving digital threats.
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